12V bilge pump alarm switch \n \n3-way system:\n \n
- \n
- Manual> \ n
- Automatic: Detects any abnormal operation of the pump and generates a clear visual (red light) and acoustic signal (buzzer) \n
- stop: detects water ingress, generates a visual and acoustic alarm and simultaneously triggers the pump. \n< /UL> \n DESCRIPTION 3 position system: Manual. Automatic: detects any operating anomaly and warns by sound (buzzer) and visual (red light). Stop: detects a waterway, warns by sound and visual alarm and simultaneously triggers the pump. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions: 115x64mm Tension: 12V Logistics data Item weight (kg): 0.13 Article length in cm: 6 Depth of the article in cm: 12.6 Height of the article in cm: 10 Product volume (CM3): 756 Dangerous article: No Bulky article: No Sales unit: U